Our Contributors
We would like to take the time to honor these special people who have helped STARS. We are grateful to all those who give their time, talent and monetary gifts. We recognize and thank all our contributors.
If you have made contributions to STARS and are not listed on this page please feel free to send a message at the bottom of the page so corrections can be made.
Greater Toledo Community Foundation's COVID-19 Response Fund Awards Grant To STARS
The Board of Trustees of the Greater Toledo Community Foundation has approved a grant from the COVID-19 Response Fund to STARS in the amount of $5,000. These funds will be used to help fund the Grab and Go Event. S.T.A.R.S has truly been honored with this gift, words cannot describe how excited we are about this contribution.
Shared Hope International is dedicated to bringing an end to sex trafficking with a three-prong approach.
PREVENT - Through training awareness, and collaboration, we seek to inspire creative prevention strategies.
RESTORE - Our strategic guidance and funding helps local organizations expand shelter and services for survivors.
BRING JUSTICE - Our justice initiatives accelerate legislative and policy solutions to combat injustice and protect victims.
Please visit Shared Hope International at www.sharedhope.org for more information.
S.T.A.R.S formerly known as Wake up Youth was the first human trafficking organization that Shared Hope International domestically funded. This funding has given S.T.A.R.S the ability to initiate multiple projects and assist in our efforts to help human trafficking survivors. We would like to say thank you for the years of support.
Honoring our 2020 Contributors
A group picture of S.T.A.R.S sponsors and contributors, these awesome people have been with us since day one. From right to left Claire Hylant and Richard Hylant (Hylant Group), Wendy Pestrue (Head of United Way), Elesondra Deromona behind Wendy (head of S.T.A.R.S), Sandra Hylant (Vice-President of Midland Title and Escrow, Ltd), and Jennifer Archer (United Way). S.T.A.R.S would like to say thank you, for your contributions and efforts which have made a significant difference with our cause to fight human trafficking.
COVID-19 Grab and Go Event
A great time of need in our community.